24/01/2023 – Practical Tuesday – Have your photos edited for free
- Each participant who has processed images will show them in turn, with Zoom, from her/his own computer. We will not store the processed images on the RCC server.
- Let me know before the meeting if you have processed images to show, so that we can share the time among everyone.
- Upload the RAW images you want processed before Friday, so that we have time to do it. Add your name and topic to the file name. (see earlier email from Bo)
- We currently have 8 images available for your processing – 7 RAW, 1 JPEG, and 1 duplicate.
- Each participant who has processed images will show them in turn, with Zoom, from her/his own computer. We will not store the processed images on the RCC server.
- Let me know before the meeting if you have processed images to show, so that we can share the time among everyone.
- Upload the RAW images you want processed before Friday, so that we have time to do it. Add your name and topic to the file name. (see earlier email from Bo)
- We currently have 8 images available for your processing – 7 RAW, 1 JPEG, and 1 duplicate.
27/01/2023 – Member’s Evening – Lucky Dip
This evening members will show up to 5 PDIs (submitted thorugh the website) of their Lucky Dip subject. This year, subjects will be allocated by email to members in October.
03/02/2023 – PDI Competition 3- Set Subject “Close Up”
Judge – Steve Kirkby.CPAGB/AV. 3 images correctly sized for projection (see club website)
10/02/2023 – Shoot a Theme
Up to 5 PDIs, submitted through the website, telling a story or illustrating a specific theme of your choice. To be judged by members.
17/02/2023 – Auction
Bring along all those rare and valuable items, photographic or otherwise, and make a few pounds for your self and the club.
24/02/2023 – Print Competition 3- Set Subject “Informal Portrait.”
Judge – Dr Peter Walmsley. LRPS. CPAGB.EFIAP Up to 3 mounted prints, picture area minimum size 13×18 cm, maximum mount size 40×50 cm. Must be handed in by 7.45pm at the latest, or your entry may be refused.
03/03/2023 – Michael Berkeley ARPS
An illustrated talk on how to get started with and sports photography. The talk provides examples of what works and what doesn’t and Michael also provides the metadata for each of the images shown, drawing attention to points of interest. The presentation features cricket and soccer, but also examples from a wide range of other sports. https//wwwmichaelberkeleyphoto.uk Speaker will be present in Hall.
10/03/2023 – “On the Streets” with Alf Myers
A talk designed to give an introduction to street photography for photographers covering – What is street photography?, What to look for and what makes an interesting street image?, Hints and tips on taking candid images on the street, Cameras, lenses, and settings, And more.https://www.alfmyersphotography.co.uk/ Speaker will give presentation via Zoom
Judge – Graeme Sleeman Up to 3 mounted prints, picture area minimum size 13×18 cm, maximum mount size 40×50 cm. Must be entered in PhotoEntry by Wednesday 15th March and handed in by 7.45pm at the latest, or your entry may be refused.
24/03/2023 – PDI Competition 4- Open Subject
Judge -Gladys Perrier 3 images correctly sized for projection (see club website)