08/03/2024 – Member’s Evening – Lucky Dip
This evening members will show up to 5 PDIs (submitted thorugh the website) of their Lucky Dip subject. This year, subjects will be allocated by email to members in October.
15/03/2024 – Cancelled -BRIAN HODGSON TROPHY- THEME “The River Thames”
Cancelled. There will be no meeting this week.
Please do not come to the hall.
22/03/2024 – The Way I See It with Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS APAGB AFIAP ABPE
Rosemary’s presentation reflects her varied interests, showing her approach to image making, which very much relies on what she sees in camera.She also aims to provide ideas for less experienced photographers and to enjoy an evening with an interactive audience, with questions welcome throughout. https://www.wilmanphoto.co.uk/
05/04/2024 – PDI Competition 4- Open Subject
Judge -Bob Hart 3 images correctly sized for projection (see club website)
12/04/2024 – SCPF Exhibition
A chance to enjoy images from other clubs in the Southern Counties Photographic Federation which were featured in their exhibition.
19/04/2024 – Print Competition 4- Open Subject
Judge Caroline Colgate ARPS APAGB. Up to 3 mounted prints, picture area minimum size 13×18 cm, maximum mount size 40×50 cm. Must be handed in by 7.45pm at the latest, or your entry may be refused.
26/04/2024 – A Year In Japan with Ric Gillams
In 2017-2018 Ric spent a year working in Tokyo and exploring Japan. The seasonal variation is highlighted by the famous cherry blossom in the Spring, the hot humid summers (and typhoon season), incredible autumn colours and the snow-covered winter wonderland of Hokkaido. Japan offers a huge diversity of experiences, with beautiful landscapes and wildlife, incredible cultural heritage and magnificent traditional and modern architecture amongst the hustle and bustle of the busy cities. Ric was very fortunate to be able to plan his trips to visit most of the regions of Japan and experience the different seasons along the way. https://ricgillamsphotography.co.uk/
03/05/2024 – Photograph Of The Year
Judge – Paul Hendley PDI competition. Images selected only from this season’s quarterly competitions with a maximum of 2 images per member in each category. Choose the ones YOU think are the best, not necessarily high-scoring images. Bring your print entries on the night, PDIs to be submitted through the website.
10/05/2024 – Discussion and Social Evening
An evening to discuss any issues prior to the AGM. The committee welcomes all member’s view on any aspect of the club.
17/05/2024 – AGM and Trophy Presentation
Please come to this important meeting which will include reports from committee members, matters to be voted on and a new committee to elect. If you have any items for the agenda please forward to the Secretary in advance.