09/10/2020 – PDI 1 Competition – Open Subject
Judge – Dr Paul Hendley LRPS
3 images correctly sized for projection (see Member’s Area – competition entry guidelines).
16/10/2020 – The Best Camera ..
.. is the one you have on you! Try to take at least one picture every day for a month and then show us your three most interesting as PDIs to the club on this evening. The pictures can be taken on any camera, including phones.
They can also be entered into any of our ‘proper’ PDI competitions (i.e. those that are assessed and marked by an an external judge).
23/10/2020 – Audio-Visual Evening with Dave Rayers
Dave is from Carshalton Camera Club and will present a set of sequences from different club members including many different styles and subject matter. The content will include both serious and light hearted.
30/10/2020 – The Hidden Wonders of the Night Sky with Dr Lilian Hobbs
Something different! A presentation from a very accomplished photographer specialising in astronomical subjects with fascinating images of galaxies, stars and other distant objects http://www.lilianhobbs.com
06/11/2020 – PDI 2 Competition – Open Subject
Judge – Jim Owers
3 images correctly sized for projection (see Member’s Area – competition entry guidelines).
13/11/2020 – SCPF League Competition
This evening we host a round of the Southern Counties Photographic Federation league competition in our division.
Our judge for the evening will be Carl Reeve.
20/11/2020 – Essential Composition with Chris Upton ARPS
20 Ways to improve your images. Many photographers cite composition as the most difficult aspect of photography to master. Whether you are perplexed and confused about the subject, need to refresh your technique or want a burst of creativity this presentation will help you improve your image creation http://www.chrisuptonphotography.com
27/11/2020 – Derek Gale LRPS – Closeup and Macro Photography
Derek will introduce us to the wonderful world of closeup and macro photography covering equipment and techniques. His talk has plenty of images, and Derek will explain how and why he took them.
04/12/2020 – PDI 3 Competition – Open Subject
Judge – Maria Leekblade
3 images correctly sized for projection (see Member’s Area – competition entry guidelines).
11/12/2020 – iTakes: iPhone Photography with Adrian McGarry
After many years with DSLRs, Adrian now concentrates on using a smartphone both for his photography and for post-processing. His interests are Landscape (particularly the North Wales Coast) and Street and Urban photography. Visit Adrian’s website https://www.adrianmcgarry.com/ for more information and to see a sample of his fascinating images. (This is an independent event and has not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc.)